31 ene 2011

Tokyo Shinjuu

Associated Names: 東京・心中
Fansub: Dangerous Pleasuree
Tomos: 2
Genre: Comedy , Drama , Romance , Yaoi
Author: OUGI Yuzuha

Beautiful naive Minato Akina has come to Tokyo to seek his fortune. Losing all his money on the first day does not bode well for our young hero. A chance meeting with down on his luck Chiba Rintarou gives Akina a shot at becoming a young idol! But Akina and Chiba are both carrying scars from the past.

Capitulo 1 [Ingles]
Capitulo 2 [Online]

~♥~Tomo 2 Completo~♥~ [RAW]

Créditos: Dangerous Pleasuree
Estado: En Emision

4 ♥Comentarios♥ :

"Clover kuroi vampire-chan" dijo...

Hola mirai tienes un regalo en mi blog, te mando un saludo y un beso :t

Issabella Kaoru dijo...

waaaaaaaaaaa!!!! amo a esta mangaka!!!
al otro q trajiste lo vi online en ingles... no me aguanto!!! gracias!!!!

Issabella Kaoru

Anónimo dijo...

Oiiii, cuándo actulizarás este manga?

Anónimo dijo...

:a   :b   :c   :d   :e   :f   :g   :h   :i   :j